
Paying Zakat to Palestine

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Sheikh Muhammad Al-Hasan Ould Al-Dado Al-Shanqeeti issued a fatwa permitting the transfer of Zakat and spending it in Al-Quds and confirmed the eight categories of Zakat apply to the people of Al-Quds. Sheikh Ikrimah Sabri, the Mufti of al-Quds, called on merchants of Ummah to give early Zakat for what is in the interest of those affected by the crisis.

We place our hands on the pain and hopes of the Jerusalemites and on our voice at Canadian Minbar as the incubator of our families' projects in Jerusalem
Let's strengthen the Jerusalemites and strengthen their fortitude... With your participation and interaction, we have taken many steps and great achievements for our people in Jerusalem.

One of our most notable achievements was the opening of the Adult Caliphs Complex in the town of Tyre Bahir in Jerusalem, the second largest mosque in Jerusalem after the Al-Aqsa Mosque.

We are keen to pay zakat to Jerusalemites, in view of the poor economic situation, which exacerbated their economic conditions and increased poverty rates to 80% and unemployment reached 30%
Be a support for the Holy City in response to the call of religion and scientists who called for the transfer of zakat to the residents of Jerusalem who fall under its eight banks

We seek to pay Zakat to Jerusalem to raise the standard of living of their families, to support them, and help them

The project includes the interior of Jerusalem

1. Holy Quran Education and Memorization Project

2. Islamic Science Education Project

3. Revival Project for Accreditation, Preaching and Mentoring
4. Hemam project for various educational activities 

5. Rawahel project to rehabilitate Jerusalemite figures and preachers
6. Project to draw the joy on their children through new clothing.
7. In addition to direct financial support for our people by the Islamic UmmahAll these projects and programmes we seek to provide financial return to support and create

In the Canadian Minbar, we seek to extend to every institution and platform around the world.
Let's be a bridge to Jerusalem.

Let us be a platform for Jerusalem.